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Coding guidelines

BotW has 40MB of code and contributors need to read and modify existing parts of the codebase very often: inconsistencies lead to increased mental overhead and a loss of efficiency which we cannot afford considering our limited manpower.

That is why we have a set of coding style guidelines that contributors are expected to adhere to.

To reduce the amount of time wasted on formatting issues, we use clang-format to automatically enforce a consistent coding style. We also use clang-tidy to detect common style issues, programming errors, and error prone code.

All pull requests are run through clang-format and clang-tidy and must pass both before they can be merged.

Before opening a PR, please format your code with clang-format 12+ and ensure the following guidelines are followed. That will allow your contributions to be reviewed more quickly.

Code style

The most important rule: look around and follow the existing code style (formatting, source organisation, ...) when possible.


  • Lines should not be longer than 100 characters.
  • Use 4 spaces to indent.
  • Use nullptr, not NULL or 0.
  • Only use auto if the variable type is obvious, too long to type or if it doesn't matter.
  • To compare an integer against zero, write if (value == 0), not if (!value). (This rule doesn't apply to booleans.)
  • To compare a value against nullptr, either if (pointer != nullptr) or if (pointer) is fine.
  • Avoid useless parentheses:
    • ✔️ if (x == Type::String || x == Type::Int)
    • if ((x == Type::String) || (x == Type::Int))
      Parens are just noise here: most people (especially anyone who has worked on a software project) are used to the lack of parentheses.
    • ✔️ if ((foo && bar) || (x && y))
    • if (foo && bar || x && y)
      While parentheses are technically useless here, most people do not know their operator precedence for && and || by heart, so it's better to just add parens to make it clear what is being meant.
  • Avoid using namespace at namespace/global scope.
  • Declare variables close to their usage point: C89 style declarations are an unnecessary antipattern in any modern language and discouraged.

Header files

  • Use #pragma once for header guards.
  • Avoid unnecessary includes. Forward declare types when possible to reduce compilation times.


  • Use #include "..." when including U-King (BotW) header files. KingSystem (ksys) is treated as being part of BotW.

    • Include paths should be relative to src/.
      • ✔️ #include "KingSystem/ActorSystem/actActor.h"
      • #include "actActor.h"
  • Use #include <...> for system or library includes. Examples:

    • Standard C++ library headers (e.g. <optional>, <type_traits>, <limits>, ...)
    • sead (e.g. <prim/seadSafeString.h>)
    • Other Nintendo libraries like agl, evfl, eui, ...


  • Type names (classes/structs, enums, typedefs/alias declarations) and compile-time constants should be in UpperCamelCase.

    • class ActorInfoData
    • using Manager = ksys::gdt::Manager;
    • constexpr int NumActors = 42;
  • Function names should be in camelCase.

    • void doStuff()
    • void SomeClass::doThis() (for a member function)
  • Variables should be in lowercase_snake_case, except for class member variables, which should be prefixed with 'm' and writtenLikeThis.

    • int a_dummy_variable = 42;
    • void test(int first_argument, bool second_argument) { ... }
    • class SomeClass { int mMemberVariable; }; (m prefix + camelCase)
    • struct SomeStruct { int member_variable; }; (regular snake_case)
  • Static variables should be prefixed with 's' and globals with 'g'.

    • s_static_variable
    • sStaticVariable if it's a static member variable


  • Ordering
    • Put access specifiers in this order: public, protected, private.
    • Declare member functions in this order: constructor, destructor, operators, other member functions.
    • Declare non-static member variables after function declarations.
    • Declare static member variables before non-static variables.
    • Virtual functions need to match the original order in the executable, though, so ignore this rule if following it would require reordering virtual functions.
  • If a class uses a macro like SEAD_SINGLETON_DISPOSER or one of the SEAD_RTTI macros, put the macro right after the opening brace, before public:.
  • Use = default; instead of constructors/destructors with an empty body.
  • Use the override keyword instead of virtual when overriding virtual functions from a parent class.
  • Mark member functions as const if they do not modify any non-static member variables. (This is known as const correctness.)
  • Do not use this-> to refer to member variables or member functions unless it is necessary. (It is usually unnecessary.)
#pragma once

namespace foo {

class Test {

virtual ~Test() = default;
virtual bool isTest() const { return true; }
void doStuff() {}

static bool sFoo = false;
bool mMemberVariable = true;

class TestDerived : public Test {
bool isTest() const override { return true; }

} // namespace foo

(Notice the line breaks on the namespace opening and closing lines.)